Healthcare IT in Asia

Ready for Transformation

Pradeep Chowbey

Pradeep Chowbey

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Pradeep Chowbey belongs to the cadre of the pioneer laparoscopic surgeons in India. He has graphed his career with singular determination to develop, evaluate and propagate Minimal Access, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery in India. The advent of Laparoscopic surgery with his hands became a point in India's medical history. Chowbey established the Minimal Access and Bariatric Surgery Centre, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi in 1996, which was the first of its kind in the Asian subcontinent.

Asia is ready for rapid technological changes happening in health care globally.

In your experience, how has IT helped improve patient care, what are your expectations from it in the coming years?
Yes, healthcare IT has definitely helped us in improving patient care. It provides us with complete and accurate history, timely alert, medical knowledge to patient and doctors, communications with other points of care, greater ease and speed of recovery of patient data.
In future there might be:
a) More training provided to health care providers
b) Development in the field of telemedicine and telesurgery
c) Establishment of e-library where all the articles can be accessed through Internet.

Considering that a majority of Asian countries are still developing, do you think Asia is ready for the rapid technological changes shaping healthcare globally?
In my opinion Asia is ready for rapid technological changes happening in health care globally. More over, in a country like India with such a vast population it might benefit the most.

How do you see the adoption of PHRs and EMRs in Asia?
Do you think Asian hospitals are prepared to shift toward the trend?
Electronic Medical Records (EMR) is being utilised in various hospitals in Asia but Personal Health Record (PHR) system has to go a long way before its implementation due to its vast population size, cost and limited knowledge in this field to health care provider.

What are the areas of Healthcare IT that you think need to be further

Areas in which I think healthcare IT can be further developed:
a) Personnel heath record system
b) Centralised e-library
c) Better training to healthcare providers
d)Development of improved and specialty software for medical data archiving and retrieval.
e) Uniformity of data recorder to improve data analysis