Medical Tourism in India - Ganesh Subramaniam

Seeking a differentiator

Ganesh Subramaniam

Ganesh Subramaniam

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There is a void in mainstream healthcare which is being effectively complemented by Ayurveda. To that extent, appropriately integrating the two will enable delivery of comprehensive health are services to the market.

Can holistic medicine be incorporated in the mainstream healthcare?
There is a void in mainstream healthcare which is being effectively complemented by Ayurveda. To that extent, appropriately integrating the two will enable delivery of comprehensive healthcare services to the market. In fact, our USP of working with mainstream doctors for specific conditions is a step in this direction.

What synergies do you see between Ayurveda and mainstream medicine?
The few conditions in which there are demonstrated synergies include stroke rehabilitation, epilepsy management, multiple sclerosis, parkinsonism, low back ache etc.

Do you think that incorporation of Ayurveda into the mainstream would give an edge to India over other Asian countries in the Medical Tourism sector? How and why?

It definitely will. Exporting our knowledge base should be one of the objectives of any tourism policy. 

What patients (domestic/ International) do you expect to come for the Ayurveda treatment?
Our target market is the domestic sector. There is a huge demand supply gap as on date. Moving forward, it is possible that we may look at medical tourism. 

What is taking the Indian Hospitals so long to merge Ayurveda with the modern treatment?
There are several reasons for this including lack of initiative on the part of the Ayurveda sector to bridge the gap  and engage in dialogue with other stakeholders, absence of corporate hospitals in the Ayurveda sector and a lack of market awareness